الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

Golz Pharaonic civilization

Pharaonic civilization:

- One of the greatest civilizations on earth those majestic civilization throughout the ages and the answer will be, of course, is the ancient pharaonic Egyptian civilization.

That stunned the world and stop the bewildered before interpreting the riddle of this greatness that stretched into centuries, not Tntmt or fade like other civilizations modern which are not able to withstand the changes undergone by the world. - Divided Egyptian history to 31 families, and these were families in turn are divided to four main periods:
- The old state.
- Middle Kingdom.
- The modern state.
- The late period.

And each of these periods decoupled from the period that followed something of mystery, but this great history won immortality through ancient Egyptian architecture. Art is one of the criteria measured by the cultures as it is the language of communication from one generation to the next. Was seen Pharaoh himself as the gods so associated with most arts in this era historical significance of religious which aims to perpetuation through effects, along with another goal and not a portrayal of events and triumphs was Ihrzha kings in wars so we find multiple images of this civilization majestic what between the inscriptions on the walls, statues, pictures, tombs, temples. Different effects each time period for other and each had characteristics that distinguish them.

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